When you buy insurance for your car, liability coverage is mandatory by law so you must include it on your purchase. Nevertheless, liability insurance is actually doing not give protection for your car and yourself. Liability coverage only protect third party that feel the loss due to the accident caused by you. Therefore, you need to buy more coverage for your car.
Full coverage is the best choice if you want full protection for the car but if you are in limited budget, you have two options. The first choice is buy the cheaper price for full coverage. You do it by comparing several full coverage quotes from multiple insurance companies. Use online quotes for auto insurance to make it easier and faster. If none of them affordable for you, you have the second option by choosing specific coverage you need for the car. You will need collision coverage to protect your car in case the accident in your fault. If you live in hazardous area, you may need vandalism protection, theft protection, wild animal protection, or more.
You need to consider your situation, driving habit, road condition, environment condition, and budget to choose the right car insurance coverage. Of course, you can consult with the expert to find the best package for you.